Productivity Workshops
Half a day program that will help unravel the challenges employees face at their workplace and introduce them to tools / techniques / behavioural changes that can help improve personal productivity. The workshop will help individuals and teams better manage time, increase focus at work, reduce clutter and better collaborate. The workshop will introduce the participants to more than 15 behavioural techniques & tools that they can leverage in their day-to-day work. This program is generally administered in a conference room setting and is limited to < 100 employees preferably from the same project or functional unit.
Productivity Consulting
A 6 - 8 weeks consulting program tailored for medium to large size teams (100+). Program is administered in 3 Phases -
Phase 1 will help understand the work habits and behavioural patterns of employees across various personas. This we do by administering day-in-the life surveys with majority of the participants and face-to-face interviews with select few employees.
Phase 2 involves identifying the key causes that impact personal productivity, work product quality & work-life balance.
Phase 3 will then involve design and roll out of related impact experiments (behavioural/technique/tool based) that can minimize these causes.